Chat hub

Chat hub

An instant/direct messaging app


2 min read

Just wrapped up an exciting UI design project for a Direct Messaging app with my Product Design team at #sidehustle! ๐Ÿš€ Check out our detailed documentation on Hashnode to see our design process from brainstorming to high fidelity screens. #UIDesign #MessagingApp #DesignProcess #SideHustle

As product designers, we believe that every design decision we make should solve a problem. Designing our direct messaging app was no exception.

So we began by conducting user research to understand the needs and pain-points of our target audience. We then created a mood board to visualize the overall design direction of the Messaging app. It helped us create a cohesive style that was consistent throughout the app. #MoodBoard #DesignDirection #UIStyle #SideHustle

Our team at #sidehustle then had a brainstorming session after researched UI design trends on Behance and Dribble for inspiration.

Each team member at #sidehustle contributed pencil sketches of all possible screens that the product should have, exploring different design options.

From there, we created low fidelity wireframes to explore concepts and quickly test and iterate ideas. Once we had a solid foundation of ideas to work with,

Moving on to mid fidelity wireframes at #sidehustle, we added text and icons to further refine our design.

we moved on to high fidelity wireframes to refine the details and polish the user interface. Throughout the design process, we constantly solicited feedback from our team and beta testers to ensure that our design decisions were in line with our users' needs.

Throughout the process at #sidehustle, we checked in with our team lead on the group chat for clarifications and suggestions, ensuring a cohesive design approach.

We designed screens including Splash Screen, Login screen, Chat screen, Profile screen, and more at #sidehustle, to create a visually appealing UI for the Messaging app.

Our focus on user experience was intentional and evident in every aspect of the direct messaging app, from the color palette to the placement of buttons.

We want our users to have a seamless experience that is intuitive and easy to use.

Overall, our team of seven product designers worked together to create a product that we're proud of. We hope that our design process and the resulting direct messaging app serves is an inspiration to other designers out there.

Excited to share our design journey with you all Thanks to the team

1. Raji Adeola

2. Jeremiah Mbah

3. Adedayo Ogundipe

4. Onyeije Benita Ben

5. Ezeh Gift Ogochukwu

6. Tijani Hammed

7. Oyedele Oyeniran

for their hard work and creativity. #DesignJourney #TeamEffort #MessagingAppDesign #SideHustle

Design link:

Prototype link:
